Commuting by train - best commuter ticket types

Traveling to or for work was never easier or safer.

Our commuter guide will help you plan your commute and train travel for business.

Only travel by train for meetings?

Managing business travel can be time-consuming. Our Business Travel booking platform streamlines the process – so you can spend less time on travel arrangements, and more time on what you do best. The platform is designed for businesses of all sizes with frequent rail travel requirements, saving you both time and money. In addition to no booking, hidden fees or credit card charges, we have tickets for all budgets – from fully flexible First Class tickets to great value Advance fares.

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Different commuter season ticket options

Travel once or twice a week?

Our variety of ticket options, including commuter season tickets and day return tickets, provide you unbeatable prices with flexibility and affordability.

Anytime train tickets

The train ticket that gives you flexibility and convenience when to travel.

  • Travel at any time of day – including peak times
  • Buy tickets up to 12 weeks in advance, right up to just before you travel
  • Use Anytime Day tickets up to 04:29 the following day
  • Use Anytime Single journey tickets within two days of the date shown
  • For Anytime Return trips, take the first journey within five days of the date shown, and return within 28 days

Advance train tickets

Plan ahead and save money by booking up to 12 weeks in advance. Ideal if you know where and when you’d like to travel.

  • Book up to 12 weeks prior to travelling, and no later than 23:59 the day before
  • Always travel from the stations and at the specific times shown on your ticket
  • If you miss the train you’re booked on, you’ll need to buy a new ticket
  • You can only buy Advance tickets for one-way/single journeys

Off Peak train tickets

Save even more by traveling at certain times of the day. Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak train tickets are available on certain routes at specific times of the week. Generally, off-peak trains are much quieter.

  • You can book up to 12 weeks in advance, or just before you travel
  • Only valid on the date shown on your tickets, and up until 04:29 the next day
  • Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak tickets are valid at any time, all weekend.

Travel three or more times a week

Season tickets are a great option for frequent commuters if you’re making the same journey at least three or four times a week. Valid on all of our train routes, they can be used on any day within the ticket’s validity period.

Weekly season tickets

Our weekly season tickets are valid for seven days and are ideal for commuters who have to travel frequently over a short period of time but perhaps not regularly over the course of a year or month and are looking to save money against the cost of several singles or return tickets.

Monthly season tickets

Monthly train tickets are our most popular option. They offer regular commuters an affordable ticket option, with considerable savings for commuters. With a lot of people being paid monthly, monthly tickets are particularly popular amongst our professional commuter customers.

Annual season tickets

Our Annual Season tickets are our best value for money option when compared with monthly train prices. Our annual train tickets are popular with commuters who are frequently in the office.

Custom length Season Tickets

If those options don't quite do it for you, define your own commuter season ticket length with custom season tickets. Savings vary depending on the validity length you choose to travel over. The longer the period you book for, the greater the savings available.

Need more flexibility? Introducing the Flexi Season Ticket

A Flexi Season ticket allows eight days of travel in 28 days – any time between two stations, offering flexibility and savings when working fewer days in the office.

We know that for many, spending 5 days a week in the office is a thing of the past. Flexi Season ticket is designed to match modern working habits and provides commuters with greater savings on travel.

Flexi Season

Why buy direct through EMR?

Save money with no booking or hidden fees

Unlike some of our competitors, we do not charge booking fees or credit card charges.

Free and easy to use booking platform

Our free business booking platform for train travel is suitable for businesses of all sizes with different travel requirements.

Book rail travel anywhere in Britain

Traveling beyond our network?​ Don’t worry, you can keep all your UK train bookings in one place using this service.

Sign up to the Business Booking Platform for free today

Download the app & stay in the know

Buy tickets and stay up to date on the move with the free EMR app, for iOS and Android. See how your train is running and save your payment cards securely for faster ticket buying – all without any booking fees or credit card charges.

Download the app